Sunday, April 17, 2011

Event 9: Controversy Before Break

$300 + $50 Omaha H/L 8B

Just before the end of the level, lots of players were standing around a table in the back of the room.  I rushed back to see what was going on, expecting to find Allen Kessler somehow tangled up in it, but it was actually at a table behind his.

The flop was A T T rainbow and apparently the dealer burned and turned the 5 of hearts before the betting action was complete.  That card should have been put aside, but it was mixed back into the deck stub (which only has 6 cards left in Omaha with a full table of ten).

Once the betting action was completed, the floor pulled the 5 of hearts out of the stub, had the dealer shuffle the stub (kind of hard to do with only 6 cards) and burn and turn, which was the 8 of spades.

Betting was completed and the 5 of hearts was mixed back in with the four remaining cards and the river was revealed:  the 7 of spades.  It was checked down and the result was, as you may have guessed, a chopped pot.

That hand burned up the clock and Omaha players were rewarded with a break.

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